Monday, May 24, 2010

What programming language do I use to write programs for Linux?

I want to create, eventually, a graphics program for Linux exclusively. What programming languages will I need to do this?

What programming language do I use to write programs for Linux?
While Windows is one product which includes everything -- desktop, Window Manager, and whatever else M$ throws into it, "Linux" is also called GNU/Linux because the core itself comes from different suppliers. Then there is the Windowing System which comes from a third, the desktop which you have a choice of...

C/C++ has the advantage that the core of the system uses Glibc which is part of the GCC suite of compiler tools. And GCC is a compiler. It was designed to use C but has frontends for C++, Fortran, ADA, and even Pascal. There is no shortage of development tools, including compilers, scripting languages and libraries. With Linux you just have to think seriously about what hardware you want to use, and and what packages. Linux is all about choices. There is no one correct answer.
Reply:C or C++
Reply:Linux is nearly entirely written in C so it might be a good start .
Reply:The answer is quite similar to that for Windows. You basically need something that has OpenGL bindings. OpenGL is one of the two APIs available for graphics programming .C and C++ are popular choices especially because the APIs are natively available in those languages. But you aren't limited to those two.

Linux doesn't have Microsoft .NET, but rather it's own implementation known as Mono. Mono can be used for graphics programming. Java is an option as well. So is Python. A number of other languages have bindings to OpenGL, but I named some of the big options. Take a look at the different languages, and see which ones you like.
Reply:Any programming language will work as long as you have a compiler that is Linux compatible.
Reply:gtk or qt for starters but there are so many out there.

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