Monday, May 24, 2010

If I learn Linux for 6 months can I get an entry level job?

I am planning to learn Linux for 6 months ( about 3H per day). Will I be ab;le to find a job as entry level easly or not? If not what should I learn to make it happen ? Thx.

If I learn Linux for 6 months can I get an entry level job?
"Learning Linux" does not get you a job. If it did, I wouldn't be unemployed. You need to learn more than just how to use various GUIs or a couple bash commands. You need to learn stuff like administrating a web server, secure networking, etc... I've been using Linux a solid year and haven't mastered those yet. You will not learn it in six months only spending a little time on it.
Reply:Yes anyone with experience in Linux can get a job, its a hard Os to learn the only problem is since its hard not to many small - medium companies use it. But if you look around and have the experience and the determination you'll do just fine.
Reply:Get a certificiation.
Reply:I Think So Linux Is very Easy To Run.

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