Monday, May 24, 2010

Looking for someone who wants to help me with linux installation via email?

i'm looking for someone who knows what they are doing and is willing to help me with my installation. i'm very interested in linux and currently have ubuntu running but want to add some of that sheen that beryl and compiz give it. I'd mainly want to chat with the person via email or messaging to be taught linux off of an expert. Online tutorials are not really my thing. Thanks to anyone who considers this and double thanks to the person who wants to do it. Like a digital pen pal thing in a non gay way!! Thanks.

Looking for someone who wants to help me with linux installation via email?
For starters, I'd recommend a distribution that makes use of the KDE desktop, not Gnome (I know, I know, both have their advocates. No hate mail please).

If you're hooked on Ubuntu, add the KDE desktop to your existing installation. This is BETTER than installing Kubuntu (the KDE-based Ubuntu)... because last time I checked, Kubuntu left out a bunch of applications that you'll probably miss.

That said, having tried several distros, I much prefer Mandriva to Ubunto. It might be worth your while to check it out and compare notes. Mandriva One is a "Live CD" type, so you don't have to commit it to your hard drive before you decide.


Speaking of Live CD Linuxes... the King of non-hard-drive Live CD distributions is Knoppix... I've found it to be MUCH faster, since it's one of the few designed from the ground-up to work off read-only CD/DVD media.

Finally, as to the guide-by-email idea... you're asking someone to be helpful (and many Linux folks are) but to put in a lot of time and effort to help ONE person with Linux. That's not the way the community works.

You'll have better luck starting a new discussion on this topic on one of the Linux forums, so that a whole group of people can pitch in, and perhaps some other Linux newbies will be motivated to not switch back to Windows {grin}

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